Thursday 4 February 2010

Ghost Town

Next day we visited Calico, an old silver mine ghost town. There were only a few people there and we had a great time exploring. After a ride on the train and a walk through the mine, we got back on the road and headed for Las Vegas.


  1. Hello again

    These pictures must be what 'Bedworth' is going to look like in the future then.........according to one councillor, who has supported the "Independence for Bedworth" campaign on Facebook as he maintains that Nuneaton gets all the 'dosh'& Bedworth is turning into Tescoland??........Thought you would like to keep up with all the local news!!.......RopeWalk has also gone into both NUN/BED could look like this when you get back x

  2. Hello P&T...or is it TeePee?

    John....who isn't such a 'geek' as me is having trouble "Posting his comments"....I keep telling him it's no use looking for a 'slot' to post his comment in (he even put a first class stamp on it!)....anyway he wanted to say that after reading 'Ghost Town', he hadn't realised that you were back in Bulkington already???.......(Not that funny really, I thought my Bedworth comment was better Tee!Hee!) x

  3. I found the knitted character again yay he's hiding in the fence. Im so jelous I rally want a knitted character, and look at all the Traveling this one has done Harry Hill would be proud Love Robynex x x

  4. Bugger! We missed the knitted character. It looks amazing there.
